Monday, August 27, 2007

Annika makes her debut!

My life change for the better on August 22nd.
My daughter came into the world and has completely rocked me. After all that time of thinking about what she would like I got to see, hold and hear her for myself.... awesome.

Everyone gives you their advice, whether you want it or not, and some aren't even parents!
The ones who said this would be the happiest of times were right. The ones who said this would be terrifying were also right. The ones who said I was giving up my freedoms were total fools. They don't know the pure, true love I have for my daughter. How can you not cry at the birth
of your first born? She came in chord all wrapped around her neck, uneasliy quiet at first, but squirming around as if in search of her lost keys.

Then she squeeked. Sounded funny, wasn't the big huge cry you see in the movies... they put her on my wife's chest and rubbered her off, then she began to wail. Awesome. My beautiful wife was a trooper through it all. I'm so proud of how she handled herself through this.

So, we settled in our room at the hotel CPMC and learned all the things new parents learn, hanging on every word the doctors and nurses said holding our breath hoping nothing they said would be bad. We had such a good experience at CPMC and consider ourselves very fortunate to deliver where we did... the amazing blessing has continued in ways I never imagined.

Now the conversation turns to who she looks like, what she'll become, how long her fingers are, how she looks like her mom some days and like her dad on others. All I know is I've changed... and this little thing is the reason why.


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