Sunday, January 14, 2007

Whatever Happened to Apeus Foredeckous?

Have you seen him lately? I sure haven't and it's been way too long. When I was younger and hanging around the yacht club waiting for my dad to finish racing, every once in a while some nut head would put on an ape mask and run the foredeck and hang upside down on the whisker pole as they passed the St. Francis. Usually on a big boat with a huge spinnaker, it was the stuff of legends... his picture would appear in Latitude 38 and some writter with too much time on his hands would fabricate a story about the type of person with ape-like strength and stamina it took it be a serious foredeck guy on a race boat on SF Bay. Everybody had a good laugh. I wonder whatever happened to him. All you "older" Bay Area Sailboat racers know exactly what I'm talking about...

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