Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bottom Job

Without going into the details... I got a respectable bottom job from KKMI, but I had to be there, take pictures, argue my points, was made to feel like a not so important customer, call them on their workmanship before I could get them to agree to make it right for the price we had discussed. I really do hate that feeling of being taken advantage of. The problem here is I have experience with Folkboat bottoms. I've done the job from start to finish a few times and have also paid to have it done more times. And every time I have talked with the guys who do the work and spec out every detail so I know I'm getting the best I can get under the circumstances... and I take pictures. Lots of pictures. It's hard to argue against pictures.
The bottom was prepped, rolled and tipped one coat and hung to dry over night. Not ideal like I can get at Svendsen's, but it would have to do. It was a relationship of convenience and that part is thankfully over.


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