Monday, December 19, 2011

Winter Storage/Project List

Decided I couldn't take watching Josephine take a beating in Gas House anymore and moved her down to Alameda. 
Sean and Brock hooked me up with a cheaper slip, then Brock loaned me his outboard to make the delivery quick and easy. And thankfully he did, there was no wind and the wrong tides...

I was out of my sublet in March anyway. Plus, I have a big list of things to do this winter:

Cabin cleat repair 
Install Two more cleats
Double end out haul
Hatch handle - silly thing just broke off. Anyone how to replace those cheap?
Back stay project
Phenolic on aft teak
Drop keel, rebed and replace keel bolts
Seal, paint attach new rudder
Paint mast - we're thinking camouflage?
Plus some other top secret James Bond kind of stuff...

sorry, no pictures today.

Too busy trying to sort out using an outboard. Seriously, first time ever using one on any boat I've ever owned. We only crashed once. No coffee was spilled. 

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Fwd: Maine Folkboat

It's nice to have friends access to knowledge.

This is what I could find on that boat, with my interpretations above each table:


The boat was built in 1948 by the Børresen boat yard in Vejle. They are quite respectable boat builders.

Sejl nr.Bygget afBygge årPlakette Bygge nr.VægtComment
37Børresens Bådebyggeri, Vejle1948

Baad navne

The name of the boat is Chica, this apparently has not been changed while it was in DK.


Baad Ejere

Below a table of the various owners the boat has had in Denmark

1948 Schött Poulsen7100 VejleDK
1956Peter Ravn7000 Fredericia DK
1958P. J. Lundberg8000 ÅrhusDK
1961J. Smedegaard Andersen 8000 ÅrhusDK
1969Ole Frölich ???5500 MiddelfartDK
1972Ib LindquistKøbenhavn NDK
1979B. Hyldegaard Pedersen4773 Stensved DK
1983Freddy S. Pedersen2620 AlbertslundDK


And the races the boat has raced. Looks like it was quite active under the first 2 owners, but then hasn't raced since.

1948Jyllandsugen, Sønderborg Yacht Club`s Hovedsejlads 4
1949Midsommer weekend, Juelsminde, søndag 3
1949Kolding Sejlklubs Hovedsejlads 1
1950Pinsestæven, Juelsminde, lørdag 2
1951Midsommerstæven, Juelsminde, 10. juli 2
1956Horsens Sejlklubs Efterårs-pointsejlads 1
1956Neptuns Jubilæumssejlads, 2. dag 2
1956Neptuns Jubilæumssejlads, 1. dag 3
1956Landsstævne, Vejle-Kolding, K.D.Y.`s provinssejlads 228
1956Landssævne, Vejle-Kolding Jubilæumssejlads 128
1957Landsstævne, Lynæs, K.D.Y.`s provinssejlads 526
1957Landsstævne, Lynæs, Isefjordklubbernes sejlads 626
1957Middelfart Sejlklubs Hovedsejlads 1
1957Kolding Sejlklubs stæven ved Løverodde 1
1957Sejlerugen, Juelsminde 1. og 2. dag 1
1957Landsstæven, Lynæs, Klassebådssejlads 1126
1958Kolding Sejlklubs sejlads 14. juni 3
1958Kolding Sejlklubs sejlads 15. juni 2
1958Landsstævne, Fredericia, J.S.U.`s Hovedsejlads 520
1958Landsstævne, Fredericia Sejklubs Hovedsejlads 724
1958Landsstævne, Fredericia, K.D.Y.`s provinssejlads 323
1958 Århusklubbernes Hovedsejlads 2. dag 1

The link to the database is:

If you want to search by sail number (Danish only) choose baad and type in the number
If you want to search by boat name choose Baadnavn and type in the boatname
If you want to search by owner (and see all the boats a particular sailor has owned) choose baadejer and type in the boatowner's name
Kapsejladser refers to races, but that one would be more tricky and less interesting for you

Take care,

Thanks Ditte :)

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Danish Folkboat Turns up in Maine

Ok kids, it's solve a mystery time. Here's the story:

Hi Eric,
I was trying to find some info on folkboats and stumbled onto your blog . I hope you can help. I recently rescued a folkboat from a local boatyard that was going to cut her up. She is in pretty good shape for her age. I hope to find out more from her past. I could not find any makings inside, but the mainsail # is dk f 37 also will attach a few pict.

Thanks ,
South Bristol Maine

Bonus points to the first responders!